WP User Frontend Pro - Cracked SEO Tools

" WP User Frontend Pro main features:

- Unlimited Forms
Build unlimited forms. Create as many variations you want, unleash your creativity.

- Custom Post Type Support
WP User Frontend supports custom post types. So you can create any types of posts/pages/custom post types on the fly from the frontend.

- Custom Taxonomy
Add your custom taxonomies to the form. Use them as Dropdown, Multiselect, Checkbox List.

- Custom Fields
Create as many custom fields your form needs. Choose your custom fields from our 13 predefined field types.

- Guest Posting Support
WP User Frontend now supports guest posting. Now your users can post to your site without registering themselves. It has also the feature to auto register the guests by their provided name and email address...!"

Sales Page: http://wedevs.com/plugin/wp-user-frontend-pro/

Password: sharktools.blogspot.com